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File Zipping Software

neekamhrzn's github profile

Loseless Compression reduces file's size with no loss of quality. This project takes in .txt file as input and produces .huf file which takes less storage space. It also converts .huf file into original .txt file.

Voice Assistant App

jiggy9's github profile

It is a Flutter voice assistant application where you can ask for any answer and it'll help through voice and text.


onur-celik's github profile

Invester, an open source investment tracking software that lets you create a custom dashboard with 10+ real-time widgets. Track your portfolio performance and market trends in real-time with easy-to-use, fully customizable tools that integrate with popular financial data sources.

Amazon Clone

Prajwal0225's github profile

Amazon clone with card functionality using strip


slayerrr12's github profile

A simple python chatbot that interacts using voice

Nex research

Ahtaxam's github profile

A online Survey App that let users to create survey according to their needs which is easy to use and are free.

Phonebook Management System

Alkaison's github profile

It is a software application that allows users to store, organize and manage large numbers of contact records efficiently. The system is designed to have functions such as adding, updating, viewing, listing and deleting contacts.

HarryPotter Website

anirudhsalaria's github profile

This is the website made for all the Potterheads!!! Here everybody can download their favourite harrypotter books and movies for free.

Coffe and Wifi

Utkers-h's github profile

This project will help developers to find suitable cafes with proper power supply , that will help them to work efficiently while enjoying the best drinks, and atmosphere that cities and towns can offer.


junaid-arif-24's github profile

This is an Online Food Ordering Website that enables users to order food from the comfort of their home.

Navbar using Pure React

MisterMickey's github profile

Basic Navbar using React and no JSX

Gpt-3 X Web Clipper Chrome extension

abhrajitray77's github profile

ReactJS Chrome Extension with GPT-3 integration and Webpage text clipping

ZORIN Search Page

dev-AshishRanjan's github profile

This is a wbesite is a modified version of ZORIN Browser Homepage. This website uses NeuMorphism with Light and Dark theme in System Mode. It also gives Weather Update

Personal Portfolio Website

Atharva-3000's github profile

You can use this template to create your own portfolio easily and showcase your projects.


Deepanshu0703's github profile

A fully working Facila expression recognition model made using Python, OpenCV, Keras and Tensorflow. User can see the facial expression of the person in the app directly.